Vaadin Digest

A quick new way to build a responsive web app

The newly released Business App starter has responsive navigation and app header components and comes with templates for common view types. The starter is optimized for desktop and mobile and can be installed on devices as a Progressive Web App.

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What does Vaadin 7 End of Life mean for your app?

We released the last version of the Vaadin 7.x series recently. This means that if you are on Vaadin 7, you will no longer receive security updates, or fixes for Java or browser incompatibility issues. Read about your options for extending support or moving to a later version.

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How to Deploy Your Java App to the Cloud

What are the minimum required steps to evaluate different cloud platforms, without installing any plugins or downloading any software? We have gathered a few tutorials to help you choose the best cloud host for your Vaadin apps.

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The right “speed of transition” in application migration: lessons learned from digital transformation

Choosing how quickly to finish application migration projects is a key factor contributing to their success. In our blog post, we take a look at the work of Harvard’s Sunil Gupta investigating the speed of transition in digital transformation projects for parallels with application migrations.

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Welcome new contributors

The number of Vaadin contributors keeps growing. Let's give a big hand to all new developers who made their first commits recently: @svipal, @SpaVec, @AdrienC, @campbellbartlett, @berndklb, @JulianFeinauer, and @landis22b. Welcome aboard the Vaadin open source community! If you are eager to join and contribute, make sure to check our bounty list at


Free training videos:

  • Vaadin 10+: Intro
  • Vaadin 10+: Layouting
  • Vaadin 10+: Forms and Databinding
  • Vaadin 10+: Data lists with Grid
  • Vaadin 10+: Router API
  • Vaadin 10+: Theming
  • Vaadin 10+: Best practices with Bakery
  • Vaadin 8: Hello Vaadin!
  • Vaadin 8: Layouting basics
  • Vaadin 8: Data binding and validation
  • Vaadin 8: Data Providers and Grid
  • Vaadin 8: Theming your application with Valo


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