Vaadin Digest

New tutorial page for Vaadin and related technologies

Last month, we launched a new tutorials section on The first few tutorials are already up, and we're hoping to hear ideas for new topics from you!

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Free video trainings

Get up and running with Vaadin technologies watching free entry level video training courses that were previously available only for commercial customers!

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Time to become an open source contributor?

Contributing to open source projects can be pure fun, it looks really good in your CV, and you can sometimes even earn some money by fixing issues or implementing new features to your favorite project. Maybe it is time to start contributing to Vaadin OSS projects?

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Year in Review from a Fresh Vaadiner’s Perspective

Between the transition from the Vaadin framework to the Vaadin platform, and the launch of our Learning Center, 2018 was a busy year for us. Discover the highlights here!

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Community spotlight

During the last couple of years, Vaadin has become more of an open source project, instead of just a project with open source. We have dozens of non-Vaadin employees who help Vaadin OSS projects to become better than ever. Just during the last month, at least sahalsaad, vilmosnagy, MichaelF25, peterblazejewicz, sammso, samiheikki, johndevs, kumm and knoobie contributed code to Vaadin OSS projects, not to mention a massive amount of other contributions. Huge thanks to all past, present, and future Vaadin contributors!

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