The latest Vaadin news: 10 reasons to use Vaadin 10, What happened to Vaadin Elements? and Vaadin Consulting.

10 reasons to use Vaadin 10

The Vaadin 10 beta is out and it changes everything! Well, maybe not everything. But it is the biggest update in Vaadin's history. To celebrate, we wanted to highlight some of the features we're most excited about ourselves.

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What happened to Vaadin Elements?

One of the changes introduced with the Vaadin 10 beta release is that there is no longer a separate product called Vaadin Elements. We now call them the Vaadin components. You can find them at

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Vaadin Consulting

Does your current project need a pair of extra hands? Did you know that the team behind Vaadin technologies is also constantly working together with companies just like yours? We build custom components, UX design, UI theming and turnkey solutions from backend to UI. Our team of 150 people is here for you in the US, Germany and Finland, or locally at your office wherever you are.

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Microservices: High availability

One of the objectives of microservices is to allow independent deployment and scaling of applications. In this article, we’ll learn how to replicate stateful web applications to help supporting high availability, a quality that aims to increase the time an application is available. Although high availability is generally achieved by redundancy, monitoring, and failover, in this article we’ll focus on redundancy at the services level.

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5 datepicker web components for your site

Choosing a date is a very common task in any UI. Making that intuitive and easy for users can be hard. There are many web components out there, which were designed specifically for this purpose. In this blog post, we’ll introduce five free date selectors to you, which will suit any of your needs.

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Introduction to good-map, a simplified version of google-map

From a physical object to a digital one, a map has always been one of the most essential equipments for humans. It can be used for many purposes, such as locating, checking terrains or getting the route, you name it. Today, we will check out a web component from Vaadin Directory, called good-map.

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Open positions

Vaadin is recruiting! Among others we are looking for a Senior Front-end Developer, a Senior Java Web Developer and a Java Web Developer Trainee. Are you the next member of our team? Check out more about the open positions.

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Join Vaadin on LinkedIn!

Do you want to hear Vaadin news in real time? Join the Vaadin group on LinkedIn!

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Upcoming events

Webinar / How To Create Components For Vaadin 10?

Online / April 12th / See event

Conference / Devoxx

Paris, France / April 18th / See event

Training / Vaadin 10: Forms and Databinding

Online / April 18th / See event

Dev Day / Dev Day Munich

Munich, Germany / April 24th / See event

Dev Day / Dev Day Berlin

Berlin, Germany / April 26th / See event