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Fight for Simplicity

The beauty in nature and the beauty in man-made constructions both have their roots in highly specialized, small modules that simplify a task. It is this simple design that builds molecules out of atoms as well as software solutions out of pre-made packages. And it is the passion for these modular and simple solutions that lets us concentrate on creating the best experiences for our end-users.


Vaadin Framework 7.7 is out!

With a lot of smaller enhancements and fixed issues, the one feature worth highlighting is the new way of handling widget sets. In Vaadin Framework 7.7 the build time of a fresh Vaadin project is brought down to a couple of seconds. With Maven you don't need to worry about widget sets at all, and you also have the option to compile them in the cloud and serve them from CDN.

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Community Spotlight - Benjamin Larsen

This month's Community Spotlight features Benjamin Larsen, a Software Developer from Denmark, who has been using Vaadin to develop apps for TDC. The most interesting part of his story is that coming from C++ and C#, he didn’t have much experience with web development or Java but still managed to build an awesome web application on time.

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Build Vaadin Framework yourself

A major change in Vaadin Framework 7.7, which is not seen directly by most developers, is that it is now built with Maven. This is good news when you want to make a custom build of the Framework. We also improved our contributing instructions so you could get started with adding that feature or fixing that bug you’ve always wanted – in true open source fashion.
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Upcoming Webinars

Vaadin webinars are a great way to get to know Vaadin, hear about the latest releases and customer cases. There are a lot of upcoming webinars - Building Progressive Web Applications, Dependency Injection Alternatives with Vaadin and Java web apps with Spring and Vaadin.
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Meet Vaadin Framework 8 at Events this fall

We have a very busy fall coming up with new things to launch. Vaadin Framework 8 is going to be out and is being previewed for the first time in September at JavaOne in San Francisco. After that we’re heading to Liferay Symposium in Chicago and then Devoxx in Belgium. We’d love to hear your thoughts on Vaadin Framework 8, so come visit our booth!
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Vaadin Trainings are on!

The Vaadin Training fall season has started and it is time to go back to school! You can choose from over 20 diverse trainings and join a training either onsite or online. Choose your preferred course and sign up for a deep dive into Vaadin!
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Working at Vaadin: Johannes Tuikkala

We want our employees to stay with us for a long time and feel appreciated in their jobs so this time we sat down with a long-time employee; Johannes Tuikkala. Johannes has been working at Vaadin for eight years and his beautiful pictures have been featured in Vaadin Newsletters several times. Besides being an eager photographer, Johannes, in his day job, is working with our support customers where he comes across various interesting tasks.
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Vaadin Trainings 

Sep 5 - 9 Online EU 
Sep 12 - 16 Frankfurt, Germany 
Sep 19 - 23
 Düsseldorf, Germany

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Sep 26 - 30 Online EU
Oct 3 - 4 Online EU  
Oct 3 - 7 London, UK 
Oct 4 - 7 
Online EU

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