The Vaadin monthly edited newsletter.
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A new perspective

As winter is coming to its end birds become more active. The sun heats the ground and melts the snow, revealing food and new material for building shelter. Much like birds, we also start looking for ways to learn more and build something new.


Vaadin Dev Day 2016

Vaadin Dev Day is hosted in Berlin, Germany on May 24th – a one-day training. During the day, each lesson will teach you something you can bring home with you. From evolving your architecture with Vaadin to minimizing your widgetset and from background threads to responsive layouts.

Early bird price available until Feb 29th 2016!

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Charts 3.0 Beta

Vaadin Charts 3.0 has reached the beta stage and is approaching its final release. New financial chart types, flags series and the completely overhauled timeline are the major new features in this new version. But maybe the biggest addition is the entirely new Web Components API which enables you to use Vaadin Charts with any web development library e.g. Polymer, AngularJS and jQuery.

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Vaadin Docs

Vaadin Docs is the place for finding documentation on anything related to Vaadin and it is structured with the products on top level. If you’re looking for HTML Elements, you’ll find them easily and if you’re looking for Vaadin Spreadsheets, you’ll find it with a click.
Read the blog entry »


The Vaadin wiki keeps on growing. This time, we have prepared a tutorial on how to send email from Java Applications using two different approaches: Apache Commons Email and Spring Mail Support.
Read the tutorial »

Scrum doesn’t solve your problems

Scrum is a hot topic, and has been for the past 20-something years. Henrik Paul, a Scrum Master from the Vaadin R&D team, writes his personal retrospective of the Scrum journey we have had in Vaadin in the past year. Many promise it to be a solution to many problems, yet it's not hard to find at least one failure story for each success story. In the article, he highlights many pitfalls that we have encountered – something that others on a similar journey might find useful. Read more »

Vaadin is recruiting

We’re looking for new people to hire during the next 6 to 12 months. For a list of open positions in the US, German and Finland see our jobs site. See our open positions »


Vaadin Trainings 
Feb 29 - 01 Online EU (CET)
Mar 14 - 18 Online EU (CET)
Mar 14 - 18 Online US (CST)
Mar 14 - 18 Berlin, Germany

Apr 04 - 08 Zürich, Switzerland
Apr 11 - 15 London, UK 
Apr 11 - 15 New York, US 
Apr 18 - 22 Rome, Italy 

See all trainings »


Vaadin Ltd | Ruukinkatu 2-4, FI-20540 Turku, Finland 
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