Read the latest news: Vaadin Framework 8.4 is in beta, Vaadin Directory welcomes custom GitHub badges, and Are you ready for your makeover?

Vaadin Framework 8.4

Vaadin Framework 8.4.0 is now available. The feature release contains enhancements to Grid, TreeGrid, Binder, converters, DateField, BrowserResizeListener and more. The 8.4.0 version also includes all latest bugfixes, so it is recommended for all Vaadin 8 users.

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Vaadin Directory now welcomes custom GitHub badges

Good news for all component authors! Vaadin Directory now supports custom badges which you can use in your GitHub repository. It’s cool, it’s concise and most of all, it shows meaningful information to your users about your component.

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Are you ready for your makeover?

Whether your apps are big or small, fast or slow, scale or don’t scale, or need a complete makeover, we won’t judge! Our Experts love all apps out there, because they see the potential that’s deep inside. The key is simplicity, and that is what we fight for by developing and updating beautiful, secure and fast business apps that your end users will love.

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Success story: UX gives you the competitive edge

We’ve lived in a world of bad design and even worse UX. But 18 years ago, a small team of Finnish developers declared their fight against lousy UX with an unbreakable will to create beautiful web apps that users will love.

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Microservices: Health monitoring

In previous articles of this series, we discussed high availability and fault tolerance capabilities to make services resilient to failures in external services. In this article, we’ll add “health endpoints” and implement a dashboard to visually monitor the service status.

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Forum, chat, and other ways to connect with the Vaadin community

The main driving factor of Vaadin's success is you, our developer community. With Vaadin 10 in beta, we’ve seen a lot of new people evaluating Vaadin. To welcome everyone, I want to review the ways you can get help and talk with others in the community.

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Using Generics for Constructors

This is the first article in a series on Core Java. The goal will be to look at functional and reactive aspects. Everything is based on the JDK itself, so that the examples can be tried out directly. At the end of each article you will find the link to the git repository with the examples.

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Top 5 web components for password input

Do you know that the first Thursday of May each year is the World Password Day? The original idea of the day is to encourage better password practices and raise awareness for the vulnerability of online security. So, step up your game and add a password input to your application using these password-inputs components.

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Training / Vaadin 8: Charts

Online / May 16th / See event

Training / Vaadin 8: Designer

Online / May 17th / See event

Training / Intro to Polymer

Online / May 21st / See event

Training / Polymer; my first application

Online / May 22nd / See event

Dev Day / Vaadin Dev Day in Milan

Milan, Italy / May 24th / See event