
Migrating to Vaadin 10

As always with a new release of Vaadin, we will provide a clear and easy to follow path for developers to migrate their web apps to Vaadin 10. We have packaged these alternatives into three tiers - Core, Pro and Prime.

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Vaadin's frontend direction

UI development platforms such as Vaadin, GWT, Angular or jQuery are based on the idea of creating an application by combining reusable UI components. Each platform has its own way of defining and using such components. The different approaches have lots in common, but they are in general not directly compatible with each other. 


Going Web Native

People are mostly accessing web content on mobile devices these days. As application developers, this puts us in an awkward situation: do we prioritize user experience and build a native application, or do we rather want the wide reach and easy distribution that web offers?

This blog post explores some new advances on the web that are making it possible for us to get the best of both worlds – build engaging, fast and reliable apps with the ease of discovery and distribution that web offers.

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Performance testing Vaadin apps

Website speed and responsiveness are two of the primary quality requirements in Web projects, as they have direct impact on revenue, both positive and negative. Although Vaadin is a great open-source web framework for developing rich internet applications, it is no secret that testing the performance of Vaadin based applications is not a trivial task.

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Dev Day New York and Montreal are done, see you in London

The Vaadin team is continuing its training tour, this time in US and Canada. We had a magnificent audience in both locations and the discussion was intense in subjects of memory leaks, theming and web components. Take a sneak peek on “Functional Vaadin" by Sven Ruppert. Watch it on YouTube.

There are two Dev Days left for this year in London and Hamburg, 

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Farewell to Web Start

This month, the Java community continued to consider the consequences of the deprecation announcements of Java 9. An important one that did not get a lot of attention at Java 9's launch was deprecation of all deployment technologies including Web Start. For companies depending on Web Start to roll out their software updates, the urgency of migrating to HTML5 just got bigger.

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Using JDK 9 with Vaadin

The core Vaadin Framework has been compatible with JDK 9 for a while. But most Vaadin developers still couldn’t move to Java 9 because of an incompatibility with GWT compilation and JDK9. Since 8.1.6, GWT compilation works fine as well, although you still cannot use Java 9 language features in the browser side Java code.


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 Training / Data Binding and Validation

Online / November 20th / See event

Training / Data Binding with Containers

Online / November 21st / See event

Training / Theming your application with Valo

Online / November 27th / See event

Training / Responsive Layouting

Online / November 27th / See event

Training / Organizing UI code

Online / November 28th / See event