Read the latest news: Vaadin CDI for Vaadin 10 now available for testing, and Web components with your preferred framework

Vaadin CDI for Vaadin 10 now available for testing

Vaadin CDI 10.0.0.beta1 is now available. The Vaadin CDI integration library is an important tool for many Vaadin developers so we are happy to bring this latest release to you.

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Web components with your preferred framework

One of the advantages is a win-win situation: not only can the Vaadin Flow Java users now use a larger set of components, but also, our set of standard web components can be used with any modern frontend framework.

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All Vaadin components are now available on NPM

As you may have noticed, we have migrated all of Vaadin's components to Polymer 3. This means that you can now install the components through NPM.

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Vaadin 10 learning resources

Vaadin 10 was recently released, and it’s been received with great enthusiasm. At the time of writing this, there are over 40 components available in Vaadin Directory that support Vaadin 10. We have had a webinar and an introduction video about Vaadin 10, as well. And although the documentation site contains detailed explanations, we recently published a Vaadin 10 cheat sheet you can download for free.

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Vaadin 11 is now available with Gradle support and new components

We have reached our first train stop in the new Vaadin release model – Vaadin 11. We will release new features to the Vaadin platform every three months, while releasing a long-term support (LTS) version at least once every two years. Vaadin 11 is the first bleeding-edge version, and will be supported for four months.

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Framework Agnostic Router for Web Components

Vaadin is happy to announce the first release of its free open source client-side router to use with WebComponents.

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Making your viewers waiting time feel shorter using these web components

As web developers, we are so concerned with how to load and show content faster on the website. We can speed up loading using techniques, like minifying files, lazy loading media, or upgrading your server. While those methods might seem straightforward, they usually are time-consuming and costly. Instead of investing big money in those jobs, you can make use of UI elements, like loading a placeholder and progress bars. This process is called latency compensation.

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Vienna, Austria / September 18th / See event

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Online / September 18th / See event

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Detroit, US / September 19th / See event

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Frankfurt, Germany / September 20th / See event

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Washington, D.C., US / September 24th / See event